Who: Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Operations Bureau -Explorer Post 900
Florida Association of Police Explorers
What: The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 900 recently participated in the 2018 Florida Association of Police Explorers (F.A.P.E.) State Competition.
When: The competition took place June 17-23, 2018.
Where: The 2018 Florida Association of Police Explorers State Competition was held in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Why/How: The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 900 attended the State Competition at the Florida Association of Police Explorers (F.A.P.E.) competition held in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida on June 17-23, 2018.
Competing against 27 other law enforcement explorer posts from across Florida, Pinellas County’s “Team Alpha” received 6th Place overall. The state team comprised of Explorer Lieutenant Isabella Wolcott, Explorer Sergeant Andrew Aponte, Explorer Sergeant Brandon Lambert and Explorer Corporal Joanna Burzo. The team placed in four out of the seven different competition events.
They received a 1st place trophy in Traffic Stop, 2nd place trophy in Tie Breaker, 4th place in Active Attacker, and 4th place Crime Scene Event. The traffic stop event required the explorers to conduct a DUI investigation. The tie breaker event involved an ambush shooting and application of 1st aid to team members. The active attacker event involved responding to a night club shooting. The crime scene event involved processing for evidence a robbery gone wrong at a school. The team performed consistently throughout the week to allow them to place in the top 10.
The team was steady in their reaction to every challenge using officer safety and investigative techniques they received during their training. It was also imperative for members of the team, to use good communication skills and have an understanding of Florida Statutes. As always, the training provided by members of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, as well as the commitment and dedication of Post Advisors, has helped to mold “Team Alpha” into a superior competition team.
Several Explorers participated in the firearms competition. Individual shooting trophies were awarded to Explorer Sergeant Brandon Lambert for 1st Place Tyro Division; Explorer Corporal Justin Musick for 1st Place Marksman Division; and Explorer Corporal Joanna Burzo for 2nd Place Marksman Division. Explorer Sergeant Andrew Aponte and Explorer Corporal Justin Musick were both recognized as one of the range master’s top 10 shooters for the year. The shoot team was awarded 3rd Place Overall and was comprised of Explorer Sergeant Andrew Aponte, Explorer Sergeant Brandon Lambert, Explorer Corporal Justin Musick and Explorer Corporal Joanna Burzo.
Post #900 members also participated in optional events including the Honor Guard competition and Drill Team competition. The Honor Guard and Drill teams received 2nd place trophies.
Honor Guard team members include: Explorer Sergeant Andrew Aponte, Explorer Sergeant Sandra Mondragon, Explorer Corporal Ruth Willis, Explorer Corporal Joanna Burzo and Explorer Corporal Ashley Pettitt.
Drill team members include: Explorer Sergeant Andrew Aponte, Explorer Sergeant Sandra Mondragon, Explorer Corporal Justin Musick, Explorer Corporal Joanna Burzo, Explorer Corporal Ruth Willis and Explorer Corporal Ashley Pettitt.
The members of Explorer Post #900 have prepared and performed as a championship law enforcement team! Their success is a credit to Sheriff Bob Gualtieri and countless agency members for their consistent support and encouragement. Whether through classroom instruction or providing a ride-along experience, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office has given these young people the experience of a lifetime!
For more information regarding the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post #900 go to www.pcsoweb.com/explorer-post-900 or contact Deputy Aly Towne at 727-453-7461.
Pictures below.
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